Hang curtains

  1. Read more: What is the difference between Wave and Veckband?
    Vad är skillnaden mellan Wave och Veckband?

    What is the difference between Wave and Veckband?

    by Mohammed Albaker

    We at Gardinex offer two types of curtains. Wave blinds and pleated blinds. So, what then is the difference between these two? The big diff...
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  2. Read more: How to hang your new curtains
    Så hänger du dina nya gardiner

    How to hang your new curtains

    by Mohammed Albaker

    It can be difficult to know what is the right suspension and how to get it. Here are our best tips for how to succeed with your new curtains. ...
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  3. Read more: How should curtains hang?
    Hur ska gardiner hänga?

    How should curtains hang?

    by Mohammed Albaker

    One of the most classic tips when it comes to how curtains should hang is that they should hang high. By this we mean that the curtains are allowed to hang as close to the ceiling as possible and then fall all the way down to the floor.

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